Monday, March 16, 2009

Chicken Pox...Seriously?

Yep, you heard it right...Chicken Pox. My mom took our kids to my sweet second cousin's first birthday party exactly 13 days before we saw the first spots on Lia. We found out three days after the birthday party that Kenzi had the chicken pox. That meant that she already had them and was contagious during her birthday party. Of course, as things like that go, nobody had any idea she had them until it was too late. I wasn't too worried about it. I mean, Lia was no where near her during the whole party and the boys have both had the immunization. Surely not...could we be that unlucky? Yes we could. Amazing.

Well, it turns out so far that Lia has handled this with rediculous resilience as always. Nothing bothers this kid. She is amazing. She has several spots all over her that are now crusting over like they are supposed to toward the end of the illness. She's only run a low-grade fever so far. She's been up more than usual at night and hasn't eaten great, but all in all...she's been fine. I don't know what else to say. Now, we can just hope that the immunization does it's job with the boys and that they skate through without a hitch or that at least they have a mild case. We'll see. I hope Kenzi's feeling better, too. Someday this will be a good story for them to tell together.

1 comment:

  1. Craziness!! I am so glad she is taking it like a champ.
